Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Floor talks a huge success at opening of show!

Hi everyone

Last Saturday's opening was a huge success with art lovers and artists from as far away as Sydney attending the gallery and sculpture gardens. 

The strong works of Julie Williams have a presence that describes the Hill End landscape with it's dark moods scattered with the ephemeral ruins of historic buildings. This is an exhibition that draws you in and keeps giving new meaning with every visit. The works need time to contemplate and grow. 

Julie's floor talk is well worth listening too as it allows the viewer to gain an insight into how the artist sees this landscape and transposes meaning to canvas.


Imposing sculptures by Hui Selwood dominate the garden and would make an impressive addition to any garden or foyer. These are large iconic works in black metal, statements that anchor any place that they located within. "Vortex" shown above was a finalist in Sculptures by the Sea. Referencing the totem pole, it is an architectural piece that commands attention.

The floor talk given by Hui at the gallery gives a deeper appreciation for this sculptor's important works and the depth of knowledge that he, as an artist, draws from to create. Enjoy.

This exhibition closes on Sunday 25 March 2012 at 4 pm so there is still time to come to the gallery and see the works. All welcome!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"Beyond the Great Divide" - Julie Williams & Hui Selwood

Hui Selwood has offered the following statement:

My cohort Julie Williams was offered a show at Jayes Gallery Molong and told me ‘Jayes’ has a wonderful sculpture garden that would suit my work and that I should join her for the show, after some reconnaissance work I absolutely agreed and did so.

Trained in art at the National Art School I’ve been exhibiting in Sydney and participating in many major sculpture prizes over the past fifteen years including being a finalist in ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ seven times and awarded the ‘Sawmillers Sculpture Prize’

In 2003 I acquired the Embleton and Weir Cordial Factory at Hill End, with the intention of setting up a studio. In the last few years I have been designing and building studios and renovating the Cordial Factory. Hill End is a historic gold mining town, located in the central tablelands of New South Wales, near Bathurst. In the 1940’s, artists such as Russell Drysdale, Donald Friend, Jean Bellette, Paul Haefliger and Magaret Olley lived and worked there. The decades proceeding enticed other artists such as John Olsen, Brett Whiteley, John Firth-Smith and many more to spend time there working and this is the case to the present day.

Abstract compositions in the materials of metal and wood, predominate my work although I will work in any material that I feel is necessary. The sculptural compositions for this show ‘Beyond the Great Divide’ at Jayes Gallery acknowledge an architectural quality, which stems from my interest in design, architecture and construction. These works continue to investigate architectural ideas and design with the emphasis on the vertical, referencing totems and figures. The totem is a subject, which has occupied me for years. Intrigued by the totems from various cultures and civilisations. My interest in the totem extends to the totem pole, where not only a connection has been established with my interest in architectural references but also with the figure, the quasi-representation of our selves. Questioning the need for humans to erect tall vertical structures from the times of Stonehenge to the modern high rise. There lies a curious parallel, the evolutionary steps of man from the horizontal to the vertical. These works are a response to totems from the past, contemporary architecture and to modern art.

Hui Selwood

Wednesday, February 1, 2012



With references from Brancusi and Giacometti in strong sculptural totemic forms through to interpretations of the landscape around Hill End, the opening show for 2012 is a strong and inspired collection of highly desirable artworks from two well recognised artists, Julie Williams and Hui Selwood.

Julie works by applying heavily contrasted layers of paint with the fine lines of ghostly heritage buildings that evoke a deep response in the viewer. Against these, the works of Hui Selwood, stand as totemic forms that imply the presence of souls among the ruins.

This is a natural alliance between 2 artists and friends who work from the heartland of the gold rush in Hill End near Bathurst NSW.

Julie Williams - Painter
My art practice primarily involves using painting as a problem solving experience to produce contemporary works with historical references.  The works, which explore relationships between the landscape and the built environment, are a combination of immediate responses to specific sites and ideas developed in the studio. http://jayespressroom.blogspot.com.au/

Hui Selwood – Sculptor
Abstract compositions in the materials of metal and wood, predominate my work. The sculptural compositions acknowledge an architectural quality, which stems from my interest in design, architecture and construction. MORE:

The gallery director and staff at Jayes Gallery look forward to seeing you at the gallery during 2012. We have been working hard to bring you the region's finest artists and sculptors and will continue to do this throughout 2012. See you at the gallery soon.