Well it's the end of the year, almost, and so much to still see and do. Our main gallery has a wonderful collection of gifts for that special person in your life! All hand made craft and art works by Australian artists.
There's jewelery, highly individual pieces featuring glass and stone, gems and silver, pieces that you won't see on anyone else as each is individually designed and handcrafted by some of the best, glass works by inspired glassblowers and slump artists, pottery and divine collages, an art book plus paintings all highly collectible pieces from new and emerging artists.
We think this is one of our most interesting shows of the year as it brings all of the artists from our stable together under one roof especially for you to enjoy and collect.

Our sculpture garden is filled with wonderful sculptures, emus and roosters, archways and fish bowls. There's always something new, fresh and invigorating, that special piece to liven the garden.

And here's the piece de resistence! We lovingly call him Steve the Security Guy as we can't find out his name. It is however, a strong sculptural piece from Tim Kyle which makes a statement that pervades the entire gallery. Steve has raised quite a few reactions from loud laughing, through to timid giggles, amazed responses and some embarrassed stares. We're quite fond of him.
If you get a chance, don't forget to pop into Jayes. During 2009, we have had a turnover of over 400 pieces through the galleries, cafes and gardens. Most of these will never be seen again in Molong so if you missed out during the year, well, sigh, you just missed out!
Artworks don't stay long in the gallery, so make it a new year's pledge to get along to Jayes on a regular basis next year. You will be inspired!
Merry Christmas to all of you!
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