Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Greetings from all of us at Jayes Gallery!

It's been a fast paced and heady year till now! These last few weeks, everyone seems to be taking a deep breath just before the madness of the Christmas rush hits!

So if you have left your shopping till the last thing and you really want to make a big impression, then we have just the best range of individual gifts for you to impress with.

With a range of glass from Keith Rowe and Joe Shalhoub, from a neck piece to a plate to a full blown glass artwork, we have an amazing range!

We have recently added 2 regional potters to our stable, Cathy Saxby with whimsical works to make you smile and Loiuse Ranshaw with fabulous utility ware.

And our "Let's Celebrate Christmas" Exhibition is still on with an exciting range of affordable art from the Jayes stable!

We are celebrating every weekend with champagne and nibbles and a gift voucher for everyone who shops with us this year!

Here's a glimpse of Jayes Gallery and Sculpture Garden right now!

So join us in celebrating Christmas 2010! We look forward to continuing to bring you the best of the west throughout 2011!

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