Jayes Gallery, Sculpture Garden, Gift Shop and Picture Framing is located in the historic town of Molong nestled in the Orange Wine Region just 20 minutes drive from the city of Orange in Central West NSW. Jayes features a wide range of contemporary art, it’s a must see destination in the region.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Christmas Greetings from all of us at Jayes Gallery!
So if you have left your shopping till the last thing and you really want to make a big impression, then we have just the best range of individual gifts for you to impress with.
With a range of glass from Keith Rowe and Joe Shalhoub, from a neck piece to a plate to a full blown glass artwork, we have an amazing range!
We have recently added 2 regional potters to our stable, Cathy Saxby with whimsical works to make you smile and Loiuse Ranshaw with fabulous utility ware.
And our "Let's Celebrate Christmas" Exhibition is still on with an exciting range of affordable art from the Jayes stable!
We are celebrating every weekend with champagne and nibbles and a gift voucher for everyone who shops with us this year!
Here's a glimpse of Jayes Gallery and Sculpture Garden right now!
So join us in celebrating Christmas 2010! We look forward to continuing to bring you the best of the west throughout 2011!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Getting ready for Christmas at the Gallery!
We are thrilled with the response of the community to our shows and again we have filled our 2011 calendar with events, workshops and solo shows already! Just to recap...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
New additions to the gallery!
These wonderful small ceramic cups are called "Whimsies" and are a delight to behold! Cathy has brought us a smile or two as we unwrapped her works.
Her pit fired range of Raku pots created with fire and smoke are each produced lovingly and carefully with each displaying it's own intrinsic character and design. These will make a completely different and individual present for someone you would like to impress this Christmas!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Spirit of Art!
The sun is warmer here in Molong, the air is fresh and we are excited by the support of well known sculptors in this our 'first' ever "Sculpture in the Spring" show!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Setting up for 3 new shows for Spring!
But hurry as these are the last of Melissa's Poppy paintings....
The latest exhibition of renowned Canowindra artist Melissa Barber celebrates the finale of the original celebrated Poppies Series that quickly became her trademark within the Central West and soon after came to Canberra’s attention in 2004 at the Aarwun Gallery. Deeply influenced by Japanese and Chinese art for their use of negative space versus detail, flat colour and strong use of golds and silvers, Barber’s portrayal of poppies reflects an aesthetically decorative, yet spiritually meditative response to nature. This final Poppies exhibition features recent works and new works from the series. It also includes works that reflect the artistic development of the Poppies into the latest series Glisten.
We'll see you then!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Watson Show a triumph!
It was an excellent introduction that Sally gave us to her work that evening as she spoke quietly of the moments of her returning 'home' and 'homeless'. She gave us generously an insight to her work and the thoughts behind the marks she has now made, a memory inscribed in time.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The freshness of Spring comes to the gallery
After the hurley burley of the elections, this is a great show to bring you back to your peaceful heart and most inner self.
All are welcome to attend the opening and we invite you take some time out for yourself and visit the gallery. We are open Wednesday through to Sunday of each week from 10 am - 4 pm.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
"Line and Link" - Digital artists challenge the 'way we see'!
To take a look at the show, click here!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Two women woo our hearts!
One artist is larger than life itself with abundant energy that pours out of her and into the bright bold energetic and large works on display, the other has developed her theme in tiny fragments of iconography and gilt that glow from gold frames in the smaller gallery - both are strong artists who have given a lot of thought to their respective works and painted from the well spring within.
There were over 60 people at the opening and many works were quickly sold on the night which is a testament to how valuable the insights of these two artists are. Some collectors were disappointed as their chosen works sold before they had a chance to get a red dot on them!
The night rolled on into the cafe next door and out into the sculpture garden. It was a heady night, successful for all.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
“Occuló” & "Insomnia" - 18 June to 11 July
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
"Of Birds and Things!" by Peter Mortimore and more...... 15 May - 13 June
Rebecca McGirr “The Language of Autumn”
Saturday, March 20, 2010
This show will be a heart stopper with some works well over 100 years old. Some of the works made their way by ship to Australia when we were just a colony. One work by John Absolon , British watercolourist, painted in the late 1800's would have been brought over by his son, John de Mansield Absolon who took care of the families shipping interests.
Another outstanding piece is a fine example of Ukiyo-e from Japan. This early woodblock on fine Japanese silk paper is over 100 years old.
There is more about this show in our Press Room .
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
"Where the Heart Is" - Exhibition by Josephine Jagger-Manners
We look forward to meeting you on the day! Libby - Director
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Exhibition opening a huge success!
"The Eye of the Eagle" opened to a large crowd last night at Jayes in Molong. Joy gave a floor talk to explain the thoughts behind many of the works which have focussed on climate change over recent years. Her works vary from small vignettes through to large canvases, with bright and coloured landscapes inspired by the outback.
It's not too late to catch the show as it goes to March 7. We invite you to come and enjoy this thought provoking exhibition.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
"The Eye of the Eagle" Exhibition by Joy Engelman

Climate Change impacts an artist’s vision!
Life couldn’t be hotter than it has been in Joy Engelman’s studio recently. Not only has Joy had the hottest summer on records beating down through the walls of the studio and making the air muggy, but the theme for her new artworks are also painted in the hottest of colours as she grapples with the ideas of climate change, desert landscapes and the outback.
Joy has spent several hours of her life staring from the windows of planes as her various trips have taken her high over the Australian desert and the exposed and extreme forms that make up this amazing and colourful place. The colours and abstract patterns have embedded themselves in her psyche and she calls on these time and time again to paint the place that she often calls “This Sacred Place”. Added to these experiences, her journeys into the desert regions to photograph and document at close range, have all left their impact.
This new exhibition “The Eye of the Eagle” demonstrates this artist’s ability to capture and map out the outback from an aerial perspective through the laying down of washes and glazes, salts and inks in an abstract fashion with mixed media. Joy takes inspiration from the ancient landforms and a country that is the oldest on earth.
Joy states “I wanted to explore the way an eagle sees the landscape from 600 metres or more above. When reading eagle vision, I was amazed to learn that eagles have penta-chromatic vision. This gives them the ability to also see colours in the infra-red and ultra-violet ranges. They see less green than us and far more colour. This is more like the way I see for I am far more aware of colour than a lot of other people seem to be and so I felt quite at home working this way.”
Engelman believes we can all learn from this land if we take the time to look at the geology of the place and understand the forces over time that has formed the land. We might even come to terms with climate change and know that these forces that play a big part in our lives currently, have happened many times before.
Her strong works can form a warning to us in these hotter days or they can be seen as highly colourful abstracts that have a strong Australian flavour.
The exhibition runs from 5 February through to 7 March at Jayes Gallery, 31-33 Gidley Street, Molong in Central NSW.
Further details can be obtained from: Gallery Director - Libby Oldham on 0263669093 or Artist – Joy Engelman on 0427618953